Instructional Design and Learning Environments


"Imparting knowledge is only lighting other men's candles at our lamp without depriving ourselves of any flame."
Jane Porter


Instructional design was a new area for me.  I don't recall as an undergraduate being asked to look at lesson design in such a systematic way.  Having taught for over a decade, I had been doing many of the steps in instructional design but not in a formal way.  My instructional design course forced me to take a new look at how I had been operating.  I did enjoy revisiting theories of learning.  I remembered studying several of them as an undergrad and in various other courses, but my course work dug deeper.  I was also very interested in the emphasis on constructivism. 

Instructional Design Final Project


When I first re-visited this project, the first thing that jumped out at me is how much more advanced my students are at PowerPoint now than when I started my degree.  Our school has provided teacher training in PowerPoint, and new elementary teachers now use the program more frequently.  Now the steps we included look so basic.  I remember what a challenge this project was for my partner and I said before, it required a new way of thinking about curriculum.  

Principles of Learning Final Paper


Principles of Learning for Instructional Technologies was one of my favorite classes.  I enjoyed studying educational theories again.  The insights gained from such theories provide a starting point for the integration of technology into the classroom.  No matter which learning theory reflects your own personal beliefs as a teacher, you will be able to find some aspect of technology to use in your classroom.  This flexibility is one of the things that has impressed me about using technology.  There really is something for everyone.


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